Across our platforms, including newsletters , socials, groups and more.
Events hosted worldwide
Hosted 100+ virtual and 20+ in-person gatherings to date.
wordlwide partners
Collaborating on diverse projects across the globe.
Open Data Collaboratives combines data experts and community organisers through strategic partnerships and research to enhance global prosperity through open data. We support governments in data-driven economic growth and civic engagement by offering tailored training, including hackathons and conferences.
We support organisations looking to amplify their impact by enhancing the usability and availability of data among diverse stakeholders. We specialise in connecting varied groups to foster greater engagement and collaboration.
10X Government open data
Discovered, negotiated, and scraped thousands of datasets to increase available open government dataset by over tenfold and in time for hosting UNWorld Data Forum.
Combatting Gender Violence
Frameworks built with global multistakeholder network for better policies, products, and data to prevent and response to technology facilitate gender based violence.
Mapped waste sites and trained hundreds of volunteers to supply crowdsourced data to improve municipal services.
12K+ government Data Innovators
Hackathon for Happiness - Nationwide month long series of rapid prototype events with university, local and federal government and tech industry partners to bring over 12,000 students and participants to engage with public government data.
Open Data in 5 Nations
Since 2014 we have worked in partnership with national governments in Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Burkina Faso, and Sierra Leone to convene thousands advance the availability, quality, use, and participation in public data.
Workshop Connect Data Advocates
Monthly workshop and speaker series reaching 10,000+ subscribers seeking to learn more about and connect with others using and increasing open data for social impact.
World Bank’s Civic Tech Assesment
Assessment of Civic Technology for Social Accountability to inform the strategy of the World Bank’s Global Partnerships for Social Accountability
Pandemic Funding Response Insight
Assessment and recommendations of partner engagement and funding response for Covid-19 and future disasters, commissioned by UK FCDO and COVAX partners.